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Pájaro Negro – Black bird

Director and lyrics: Tony Gatlif

“Closing scene of Tony Gatlif’s stunning film, Latcho Drom (Safe journey in Romany), following the journey, music and culture of the Roma from their genesis in India to many of the countries through which they passed. La Caíta, is standing on a hillside overlooking new housing, a place where she will probably never live. She sings a heartbreaking song, The Blackbird, that will resonate with the poor, the disenfranchised, the persecuted, or anyone who has been on the outside looking in. ¡Opré Roma!” Sara Baga

Black bird Черна птица

You, you’re a stork Ти, ти си щъркел,

Who has landed on Earth. кацнал на земята. Me, I’m a black bird Аз, аз съм черна птица,

who has taken flight. литнала в небето.

Why does your wicked mouth spit on me? Защо плюеш върху мен?

What harm is it to you Нима ти пречи

That my skin is dark… черната ми кожа...

And my hair gypsy black? (2X) косата ми циганско черна?

From Isabelle the Catholic… От Изабел Католичката... From Hitler to Franco… От Хитлер до Франко... We have been the victims Все ние сме жертвите of their wars. на техните войни.

Some evenings, some evenings Понякога вечер, понякога вечер, Like many other evenings… Като през много други вечери... Some evenings I find myself envying… Понякога вечер, изпитвам завист The respect that you give to your dog. към кучето ти, защото е по-уважавано от мен.

Why does your wicked mouth spit on me? Защо плюеш върху мен? What harm is it to you Нима ти пречи That my skin is dark… черната ми кожа... And my hair gypsy black? (2X) косата ми циганско черна?

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